Article 9 : Work Performance Should staff of RBnano SàRL require access to the client's facilities, an agreement on the respective conditions and responsibilities shall be made.
Article 10: Industrial property Billing the tests in no way constitutes a commitment by the company RBnano granting of an exclusive or duty on formulations developed during these tests. The intellectual property of each party before their work remain acquired. IP created by each of the parties in their work remain acquired and exclusivity will be a negotiation. A Priority will be given to the customer.
Article 11 : Invoicing The invoice is issued after the work is completed and the report is sent out. The invoice is subject to VAT, and is payable within 30 days from the invoice date. Payment may be made by check, bank transfer or any other regular modes of payment. Any delay in payment will incur an interest of 1.5 times the current bank rate.